The Bay

$ 12,000,000
Número de Referencia
Costa Rica
Jul 06, 2020
Details of the Property
The Bay is set on approximately 140 acres of coastal land with a half-mile of ocean front. The ocean front includes a small beach with pristine water; water that retains its clarity all year round. This is not common in Costa Rica. With the months that bring the heaviest rains, the rivers, streams and organic runoff affect water transparency along most of the coastline. But The Bay is many miles away from the closest river delta. The currents are also ideal for keeping the water beautiful…and they make for great fishing, right off the beach.

The topography of the property is ideal, as 3 natural amphitheaters have been naturally carved out to face south (the beautiful gulf and Santa Elena National Park) and southwest (great sunsets). From the highest parts of the property (the higher hills rise to over 400 feet above sea level), you can also catch nice views of Salinas Bay and southern Nicaragua, to the north.

The ascending topography opportunely shields the strong winds that gust from the north during the drier months (December through March).

Because of its rectangular shape, The Bay has 4 main borders: the Pacific Ocean (Gulf of Santa Elena) to the south, public roadway to the east, private property to the north, and Santa Elena Preserve (SEP) to the west.

The area is seeing major investments and development, which brings along with it major improvements in infrastructure, including paved roadways, electrical lines, and aqueducts. Today, you can drive the 40 miles from Liberia International Airport to The Bay in under one hour, and it is a beautiful drive!

The Bay is comprised of over 110 acres of titled land and about 30 acres of land cotegorized as maritime zone. Within this maritime zone, there are about 2.5 acres of concession area. The maritime zone also includes 2 acres slated for “future development”.
m² of lot
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