FIRE SALE!!!!! Lot located in Manuel Antonio Quepos $69,000.00 USD

$ 69,000
Número de Referencia
Costa Rica
Manuel Antonio
Jul 06, 2020
Details of the Property
This lots is 981m2 and is offered at a selling price of $69,000 dollars, a really good and least expensive deal for being in the area closet to the Hottest beaches in Costa Rica. 300 m from Manuel Antonio main road, residential road cross a motel. Hiking, wildlife spotting, river rafting, ocean kayaking, canopy zip-lining, sports fishing, and surfing are all here. This road weaves through the rainforest-clad hills, providing access to high-end boutique hotels and secluded luxury homes. The character of Manuel Antonio is a discreet luxury and high-class living experience. Highway 27 makes getting to Manuel Antonio from the capital city of San Jose and the international airport easier than ever. This means getting to and from San Jose for day trips to stock up on supplies is easy. Herradura, north of Jaco, about 45 minutes from Manuel Antonio, also has the best supermarket in the region, although Quepos itself is great for day-to-day shopping. Quepos also hosts banks, a clinic, and a marina—Pez Vela—which serves as the center of the area’s vibrant sports fishing scene. An ex-pat community exists in Manuel Antonio and most people who move to to the area love it.

Este lote tienen 981 m2 y se ofrecen a un precio de venta de $69,000 dólares, una oferta realmente buena y menos costosa por estar en el área cercana a las playas más atractivas de Costa Rica. A 300 m de la carretera principal de Manuel Antonio, camino residencial cruza un motel. Senderismo, observación de vida silvestre, rafting en el río, kayak en el océano, canopy, pesca deportiva y surf están aquí. Esta carretera serpentea a través de las colinas cubiertas de selva tropical, proporcionando acceso a hoteles boutique de alta gama y casas de lujo aisladas. El personaje de Manuel Antonio es un lujo discreto y una experiencia de vida de primera clase. La autopista 27 hace que llegar a Manuel Antonio desde la ciudad capital de San José y el aeropuerto
m² of lot
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