Add to Favorites Buildings Excelente Edificio EDI-01 7.469400 CitySanta AnaCategoryRent, Buildings $ 134,442
Add to Favorites Buildings Edificio Scott Zona de Alta Exposición 7895 CitySan CarlosCategoryRent, Buildings $ 10,000
Add to Favorites Buildings Alquile edificio con ubicación estratégica en frente de Sabana Sur RAH 19322 6005 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Buildings $ 3,500
Add to Favorites Buildings Alquiler oficina Santa Ana 7.469m2 a $134.442 (O-629) 7.469400 CitySanta AnaCategoryRent, Buildings $ 134,442
Add to Favorites Buildings Alquiler edificio oficinas Sabana 1.509m2 a $27.916 (O-102) 1.50912 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Buildings $ 27,916
Add to Favorites Buildings Edificio Comercial en Alquiler y Venta en Uruca 52020 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Buildings $ 5,720
Add to Favorites Buildings Alquiler de Local Comercial 1454 CityGoicoecheaCategoryRent, Buildings $ 1,500