Add to Favorites Warehouses ALQUILER DE BODEGA O LOCAL COMERCIAL, ALAJUELA, VILLA BONITA 1391 CityAlajuelaCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 2,000
Add to Favorites Warehouses MLS-24-266 ALQUILER BODEGA HOSPITAL SAN JOSE 1270 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 1,850
Add to Favorites Warehouses MLS-24-266 ALQUILER BODEGA HOSPITAL SAN JOSE 1270 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 1,850
Add to Favorites Warehouses Bodega Parque Condal Rohrmoser 2850m2 42.850 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 19,950
Add to Favorites Warehouses ALQUILER DE BODEGA, SAN JOSÉ, LA URUCA 11.571 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 7,384
Add to Favorites Warehouses ALQUILER DE BODEGA INDUSTRIAL, SAN JOSE, URUCA 2.151 CitySan JoséCategoryRent, Warehouses ₡ 10,755
Add to Favorites Warehouses Alquiler bodega comercial en Pérez Zeledón 21.10029 CityPérez ZeledónCategoryRent, Warehouses $ 10,000