- Granja Avícola y Terreno 5300 m2, con casa
- 1900
- CityCorredoresCategorySell, Businesses
- ₡ 40,000,000
Real Estate Agents
- Costa Rica, Property for sale rainforest and water springs
- m² of lot371291CityBuenos AiresCategorySell, Lots & Land
- $ 1,850,000
- Casa de habitación, ₡ 125,000,000, 2, Puntarenas, Golfito
- 2120
- CityGolfitoCategorySell, Commercial Properties
- ₡ 125,000,000
- Propiedad de 24864 m2, casa y taller mecánico
- 22120
- CityCorredoresCategorySell, Homes
- ₡ 95,000,000